Tuesday, 8 June 2021

More than just books!


This Saturday the 12th June will see our Haddington, Musselburgh, North Berwick and Dunbar branches open their doors on a Saturday for the first time in over a year; and we are excited! You may question why this is so exciting to us. Well it is something to do with so much more than books, it is about the community aspect of our libraries… and it’s about the books too. Read on to find out more:


Did you think that a visit to your local library was just about choosing a couple of books? If you did, you’d be wrong! Libraries now offer a whole range of services to our local communities. They are a hub of activity and considered a font of all knowledge to some!


Whether you are in need of a computer to print a document, Wi-Fi to download that next episode from Netflix onto your phone before you hop on a bus, an audiobook to help you drift off to sleep at night, dog bags, recycling box covers, local information or just a good old chat with someone outside of your own household – the library has it all! And, we’re not afraid of a bit of change.


Throughout the past year, our staff have proven just how adaptable we can be. They have helped other departments behind the scenes, made calls to shielding individuals, delivered food parcels, walked dogs and so much more. We had to change the way we supported our library services, we went fully digital! With the exception of our housebound individuals who continued to receive book deliveries, our readers were helped to log in to our online resources to give them access to free books via their phones/tablets/computers. We were unable to welcome people into branches due to government guidelines and so we had to communicate by phone and email. We introduced people to services they didn’t know we had! Online courses, eBooks, eAudiobooks, newspapers, magazines and comics – all free and available at the touch of a button!


Even as we slowly move into more “normal” levels of service again, we are maintaining the Click & Collect option that was brought in while the branches were completely closed. Customers have told us that they really appreciated this service while they were unable to pop in a pick themselves. Some have read books by authors they would never have chosen, or discovered a love of a new genre they hadn’t considered. We hope to continue this service while there is still a demand for it.


As one of only two council authorities that maintained a level of library service during the last lockdown, we are understandably proud of our staff. And we are so thankful to our customers who have adapted with us and understood the need for the constantly changing procedures. We are currently opening branches again but need to follow guidelines and allow for staffing and COVID social distancing – this means that not all branches can be opened quite yet. Where branches are closed, we are offering other services such as extra housebound deliveries, pop-up libraries and extending the coverage of the mobile library service.


So, while we hope the end is hopefully in sight for all of these restrictions, we are still adapting, still coming up with new ways of serving our customers and, most importantly,  still planning for the future.


We hope you will book an appointment to visit soon, like us on Facebook follow us on twitter or bookmark our blog. #Libraries #Community #Librarians

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