Friday, 19 January 2024

Author visit to Preston Lodge School Library

image of the back of an audience. Author at the front

In December Preston Lodge High School welcomed poet and writer Nadine Aisha Jassat to the school library.

Nadine talked about what led her to becoming a writer - wanting to make a positive difference by offering diverse stories. She then read from and talked about her books 'Let Me Tell You This' and 'The Stories Grandma Forgot (And How I Found Them)'.

Nadine challenged students to make and read aloud some Book Spine Poetry - see the photos below of the book spine poetry they created! She also got students to participate in some collaborative poetry writing, asking them to think of a sentence that could help or inspire others or call for change.

The session finished off with a question and answer and book signing.

This was such an inspiring and engaging workshop and students are keen to have Nadine visit again in the New Year.

image of pile of books - book spine poetry

image of pile of books - book spine poetry